Yellow-tailed woolly monkeys!

Most of my posts have been about seeing the Andean bears that I work with in the Peruvian Andes. However, I do also spend whole lot of time with the Yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flaviacuda), which is one of the most endangered primate on the planet.     Around where I live there are Yellow-tailed…

Nature’s Fireworks on New Years Eve

I was a tired optimist, sitting in the rain on New Year’s Eve, looking for bears. It was the third day in a row where clouds covered the view from the hill, disabling me from doing anything but cooking food and eating. Every now and then, the landscape below would become clear, lighting new hope.…

Fires around our village

There has been a long drought in Corosha and this is a really bad combination with the slash-and-burn practices people have here. People use fire to clear areas for new plantages. But every now and then, things go wrong. Almost a whole national park was burning down recently in northern Peru, which has put many…

Macro photos from Peru

Today I’ve taken the time to finally do some macro photography. I rarely feel like I have the energy to carry all the extra gear for macro photos, and while collecting data it is simply not appropriate to look at random bugs. But it gives us the possibility to look into an unknown world which I…

Bears in the Andes

Although the family was struggling with the stomach illness, we were eager to go to the mountain to find bears. We had already canceled our hikes to the mountain twice because of new sicknesses. After waiting for months to start this internship, it was frustrating to lay in bed surrounded by the Andes. But on…


Today we had a huge spider in the room, hiding in the bed.Surprise! It was not the one on the picture, but rather the triple size – too big for me to take a close up photo! However, the chickens didn’t seem to mind. They had a great snack!

Arriving to Corosha: The village life

The morning air was clear and fresh to breathe as we went for our first walk in the village. Hummingbirds were buzzing in the air like giant beetles, but cuter. People greeted us on the street and from their houses. It was nice to finally have arrived at Corosha. The village is surrounded by forested…